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The Worst Advice Ever Given to Youth

collegeFrom our post about Child Trends a few weeks ago, it’s becoming very apparent how times are really changing. It’s even more apparent how we need to change the way we regard today’s youth. There is no perfect human being on this earth, therefore there is no perfect parent – it’s safe to say we may have made some mistakes along the way. What matters is that we want what’s best for our kids and that we love them with absolutely everything that we have! Whether they are our biological children, adopted children, or foster children. And let’s remember that we were kids once too! At times, from when we were kids until today, we got some pretty questionable advice from our elders that may or may not have worked out for us. We’ve gotten some pretty great advice growing up, like “ Never go to bed with your makeup on,” or “Fail to plan, plan to fail,” but what about the advice that doesn’t really hold true today? Let’s take a look at some of the worst advice given to youth over the years…

  1. “Do as I say, not as I do.” – Um, what? This is probably the top worst advice you can give to a youth today. Tracing back to our point about following footsteps and having role models… you are the first person your child sees. So why not be the best example for them? You want them to act in a certain way? Be that person. You want them to do certain things? You do them so you can teach them. Be the best person you can be for your child’s sake.
  2. “Don’t move out.” – Sure, there’s a time when it’s inconceivable that you move out… when you don’t know how to feed yourself. Just kidding. But many kids get this little tidbit of advice and find themselves sitting pretty at home a long time after they become perfectly capable of living on their own. The truth is, keeping your babies at home will truly stifle their growth. That’s why we move puppies to larger a crate, that’s why we transfer our plants and flower to larger pots – to accommodate and promote their growth!
  3. “Don’t talk to strangers.” – This is fine when you’re 5 years old. But how can a child socially function if they can’t talk to strangers. Classmates start as strangers. Best friends start as strangers. Significant others start as strangers. Business partners start as strangers. Maybe a better piece of advice would be to “Be careful of who you talk to”. A human being simply cannot function in society by being anti-social.
  4. “Why don’t you follow in ___________’s footsteps?” – This piece of advice can probably do more harm than good… especially when worded in that way. Teaching your child the important of being unique is one of the most important lessons out there. We must celebrate our child’s individuality. It’s not a problem to have role model’s, but don’t encourage your child to be just like someone else.
  5. “Go to college and get a good job.” – First of all, college isn’t for everyone. It should especially not be recommended for those who don’t know what they want to do with a degree because they end up creating a lot of debt taking out loans for a degree in Philosophy that they never will use. Instead, pay attention to the youth and nurture their natural gifts and talents so that they can be passionate about the direction they choose for their future. College definitely isn’t a bad choice, but many successful entrepreneurs never made it there.

Let’s stop and think about the messages that we’re giving kids today!

